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Preset Collection

How to size your nails?

Purchase a sizing kit that matches your desired length and shape.  (Please note every nail shape/length is different and will require its own sizing kit)


Measure each press-on nail against your nails, from side wall to side wall, if in-between sizes, go with the bigger size! Write down the sizes from left to right, pinky to thumb, and thumb to pinky.


Write the sizes in the comments section of your pre-set design order. 


Left hand = Pinky: 8, Ring: 6, Middle: 4, Point: 5, Thumb: 2

Right hand = Thumb: 2, Point: 5, Middle: 5, Ring: 6, Pinky: 9



Left = 8, 6, 4, 5, 2 

Right = 2, 5, 5, 6, 8

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